hero_tag religious" and now everyone will be happy. Delete the last line "incompatible_party_member. Go to Darkest Dungeon/heroes/abomination and open the file with Note pad. Remove Abomination party restriction: Abomination no longer troubles other god-fearing heroes. These are based on Cryfor's video on Darkest Dungeon Speedrunning. This exploit can be used to bypass the need for heroes with guard abilities in DD2. When the surviving hero returns, an additional talisman is returned, resulting in four trinkets. This occurs as the game will always supply at least three talismans into the trinket inventory. Upon retreating, one hero will perish, but a fourth "talisman" will be given. Send two resolve level zero heroes with two Talisman of the Flame trinkets into the second Darkest Dungeon mission. This exploit can be used to ensure that heroes will not become afflicted and can be used to get the special Sleeper achievement that requires two afflicted and two virtuous heroes. Since afflictions and virtues are not pre-determined, multiple resolve checks will yield different results. This exploit only works before the affliction/virtue cut-scene. Upon returning to the game, the hero will receive another resolve check. When an undesirable resolve check occurs, exit to the title screen. When a hero receives their resolve check, open up the options menu with the key and exit to the main menu when the hero becomes afflicted, the background will turn red when the hero becomes virtuous, the background will lighten up.
This exploit can only be done on the PC and Switch versions of the game, as the PS4 version lacks the controls needed. This can also be used to access the Courtyard without any invitations. This exploit can be used to send Shard Mercenaries on normal dungeon expeditions and can be used to bypass resolve level restrictions in all difficulty levels. If done successfully, your heroes will bypass any expedition restrictions that normally occur. While the game is transitioning to the provision screen, immediately select your desired dungeon (this can require fast clicking). To perform this exploit, select a expedition that will not be blocked by a hero's resolve level and click embark. For example, a short apprentice expedition will normally yield two resolve experience one stack of the boost will yield four experience, two stacks will yield six experience, three stacks yield eight, and so on. The increase from this buff is additive, not exponential or multiplicative. When the player retreats from the Darkest Dungeon with a resolve level 5 or 6 hero, the game will provide a 2-times multiplier to resolve experience boost to the next quest expedition. This exploit is faster, as you cannot skip the dialogue when you enter the Darkest Dungeon. A similar exploit can be done with the first expedition to the ruins, but it will not refresh the stagecoach or the expedition quests. Since the game advances one week, expedition quests and the stagecoach will be refreshed, and activities in the Hamlet will advance. To perform this exploit, send a single hero to the Darkest Dungeon and immediately retreat.

However, this does not apply to retreated expeditions from the Darkest Dungeon the week will advance as if the expedition was successful. When the player retreats from a normal expedition, the game will not advance the week. ROWS are DIFFICULTY, COLs are QUEST LENGTH",Įxploits and Speedrun Tricks "Scardycat Skip" "comment": "This table restricts what level heroes can go on what level quest. Scroll down to the end of the file and change all numbers in "restriction" section to 99. Go to your installation folder at Darkest Dungeon/campaign/quest/quest.json and open the file with notepad. Remove level restriction: Heroes of high level can now go to dungeons with lower difficulty with a simple modification. before embarking on a quest (while the game is not running) and replace the file saves if things don't go the way you expect. Back them up before an important point, e.g. Save files are stored in Documents/Darkest/profile_0/1/2 and/or steam/userdata//262060/remote. However, you can still save the game manually. Saving the game manually: Darkest Dungeon automatically saves as the game progresses, making all the actions and choices permanent. Always backup files and folder beforehand.
Consider carefully before applying these cheats and mods as they could make the game unstable or crash.